- What is Church Revitalization?
- How does the Church Revitalizer help churches in the revitalization?
- How does the Church Revitalizer help churches diagnose their church’s problems?
- How long does it take to see revitalization in the church?
- How much does church revitalization cost financially?
- How many ways are there to revitalize the church?
- Has this process worked in other churches?
- How does a church begin the revitalization process?
- Is the problem with our church a leadership problem?
- Would a new pastor help us to revitalize our church?
1. What is Church Revitalization?
Revitalization is the work church leaders do to ensure that the conditions of God are met for revival, so that the people of God are prepared when He begins to move. Other denominations often use the term “renewal.” Technically, renewal describes the experience that first comes to the individual who experiences a spiritual refreshing from God. Revitalization is a term that describes the experience of the church. Here is a chart that helps:
2. How does the Church Revitalizer help churches in the revitalization?
We help churches to assess their revitalization issues and their readiness to enter into the revitalization process. We offer training for your pastor and church leadership in revitalization and assist them in developing and implementing a revitalization strategy. We begin a coaching relationship with the pastor and provide a revitalization consultant to walk your church through the process and can provide a coach.
3. How does the Church Revitalizer help churches diagnose their church's problems?
We have some excellent diagnostic instruments and fully-trained coaches, consultants, and staff to assist your church. We can assist your church in securing and interpreting your community demographic profile and with community surveys to help you to understand your community’s ministry needs.
4. How long does it take to see revitalization in the church?
The revitalization process will take a minimum of 1,000 days, but some of the changes will come very soon in the process; others take much more time to fully implement. At the end of the 1,000 days, the church will have embraced the revitalization and the healthier ways of worshiping, serving, and ministering will become the new normal.
5. How much does church revitalization cost financially?
The good news is that very minimal expenses, if any, are involved. Church Revitalizer provides most of its services and resources for free in order to see revival and revitalization happen in the church. There is some expense if one of our staff comes to your field to train, provide consultation, or assist your church leaders with on-going revitalization coaching.
6. How many ways are there to revitalize the church?
There are many strategies, but what works in one setting does not necessarily work in another. Sometimes a church disbands and donates their properties to another work or they shut down the church and restart it a few weeks later with new leadership in place. A church may move to a new facility or relocate to another area to reach its target demographic (can be expensive). Some churches have favored merging with another church, a strategy that is rarely successful. The church may decide to share its facilities with another work, which allows it to share its expenses as well. The church may plan to transition its existing church into a new work, especially when the community experiences demographic changes. A church may decide to go back under mission status after seeking out a healthy sponsoring church.
7. Has this process worked in other churches?
Yes it has! Though we have only been at church revitalization for a short period of time, we are seeing some definite progress. For example, one church we have worked with has experienced more than a 20 percent increase in attendance after many years of plateau.
8. How does a church begin the revitalization process?
Stop and admit your church has a problem. Pray about how God wants you to proceed. Contact us if you are serious about revival and revitalization.
9. Is the problem with our church a leadership problem?
This is a hotly debated topic within revitalization, but the consensus of those most experienced with church revitalization would agree that only exceptional leadership can take a church through the process of revitalization.
10. Would a new pastor help us to revitalize our church?
God calls pastors to churches. It is the role of the Holy Spirit to call and place His ministers and to convince churches to call a minister to a field. In the overwhelming majority of revitalization scenarios, the existing pastor is the best leader in restoring the vitality of the church. A revived pastor is the first, best choice for leading your church in a revitalization project.